Dedicate a mile and help me get to Marathon

Twenty-six-point-two miles is a long way to go, and the only way to get there is one stride at a time, one mile at a time.  Every time I run, every time I feel the pinpricks of pain in my pegleg that wasn’t there before, I remember I’m alive.
And every breath I take is a breath I share with my Mom.  I want to share this run through New York City with you and those you love.  I want you to run with me, too.

Each mile I run I intend to run for one of you, to share that mile, to take each stride in your honor so you can live with me as I push my body to be as alive as it can be. I run for that moment for when what’s happening within my body separates from what’s happening within my mind.  Help me focus my mind by providing me with a totem, a reminder of why I run: dedicate a mile.  I will run that mile for you.

To dedicate a mile go to my donation page and contribute!  The open miles are listed on the right.  Pick a mile and pledge that amount.  As this is something I am setting up myself, it isn’t automated.  Please either note in your message on the donation website for whom I am running or, if you’d like it to remain anonymous, send an email to runpeglegrun (at) and I will note the mile on the right.

If you’d like to post a story about the dedication or to have me post my reflections, I’d be happy to share that here.  You can let me know or you can simply tell me about you or the person for whom we are dedicating the mile.

This is how I can run for you!  Thank you for helping me get to Marathon – 26.2 miles from Staten Island.

SUPPORT ME in 2021!!

One Response to “Dedicate a mile and help me get to Marathon”
  1. Pete, I wish I could ask you to run a mile for my cause but mine will have to take on a marathon of it’s own. Hopefully next year will be mine. I will run because for 6 months this year my daughter could not. For all the children who cannot run I will. Your story and memory of your Mom inspired me to actually do something with my running. Please pass my info on to the runnier that does some wilderness running as that is where I ultimately want to get to. Hey best of luck to you in the coming weeks and hope you will enjoy the process. C

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